
Acupuncture is an ancient method encouraging the body to promote natural healing. Qi (Chee) is defined as the energy or “vital substance” that controls the observable function of human beings.

The basic foundation of Chinese medicine is that Qi flows through the body on channels known as meridians that connect to all major organs. According to Chinese medicine illness arises when the cyclical flow of Qi in the meridians is blocked or unbalanced.

Acupuncture therapy is done by inserting sterilized, single use, stainless steel needles (fine as human hair) into specific points located on the surface of the skin. These have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions in order to treat a wide variety of illnesses.

The practitioner may stimulate acupuncture points by also using other methods such as massage, laser, electro-stimulation or manual therapy, in order to reestablish the flow of Qi and treat health problems.

• Drug free pain relief
• Treats wide variety of acute and chronic conditions
• Treats the cause as well as the symptoms
• Provides a holistic approach to treatment linking body, mind and emotions.

• Musculoskeletal syndromes
• Neck or back pain
• Osteoarthritis
• Migraines
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Stroke
• Tendinitis
• Tmj syndrome
• De Quervain
• Stress
• Insomnia
• Allergies etc.

Dry needling
The technique of insertion of a needle into the kinetic point of the muscle which provokes an automatic response, leading to immediate pain relief and recovery of full range of motion.

A therapeutic technique, where the therapist uses his fingers, elbows or special devices in order to put pressure on certain acupuncture points.
The therapy is followed by special myofascial stretching techniques.

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